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Back pain goes away on its own


Studies show that 90% of people with low back pain still have pain and disability up to one year later. A recent study showed that when back pain is not treated, it may go away temporarily but will most likely return. The study demonstrated that in more than 33% of the people who experience low-back pain, the pain lasts for more than 30 days. Only 9% of the people who had low-back pain for more than 30 days were pain free 5 years later.



Chiropractic is dangerous


Chiropractic is one of the safest healthcare procedures in recorded history. The average chiropractic malpractice insurance is less than $2,500 dollars per year, while the average M.D. coverage is anywhere from $30,000 to $300,000 per year. This shows that there are very few injuries or problems related to chiropractic care.



Chiropractors straighten your spine


Chiropractors restore normal motion to the spine. When a chiropractor adjusts the spine they are placing movement into the specific spinal segment that was not able to move properly. This in return allows for optimal spinal and surrounding musculature function.



Chiropractic is a last resort treatment


A 2009 Consumer Reports survey rated doctors of chiropractic as the top practitioner for the treatment and management of low back pain. Chiropractors do not need referrals from other doctoral specialties to render care. Studies show that patients with low back pain are much more satisfied with their treatment and results when being treated by a chiropractor versus other treating physicians.



You will have to go to the chiropractor FOREVER


Studies show that most patients reach medical maximum improvement within 12-20 visits. If the patient does not respond to chiropractic care within a reasonable time period then the patient is referred to another physician for necessary treatment.



Chiropractic adjustments keep you healthy


Chiropractic is only one aspect of overall health. In order for an individual to reach the best overall health they must incorporate diet, exercise, and other aspects of life that affect the individual. We as chiropractors only guide patients toward better health but the patient is ultimately responsible for their own outcomes.



Chiropractors pop your bones


The popping sound is the result of gas within your joints responding to the change of pressure after an adjustment.



Chiropractors do not associate with medical doctors


Many chiropractors either work in a multidisciplinary office or work with medical physicians to create an overall health plan. At our office we work hand in hand with many local physicians to provide the best overall health care for the patient.

© 2014 by ChiroCare|Dr. Camille Bowden|3120 S. Main St.| Moultrie GA|31768|229.668.2273

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